Test, manage & document components with Storybook JS Storybook can be used for a variety of cases. In this introduction to the basic functionalities we show how designers, developers and project managers can benefit from the open source software.
How to implement efficient app rating with React Native User ratings and customer feedback are by far two of the most important metrics when it comes to marketing a mobile app.
App-Review bestehen: Damit Ihre App sicher in die App-Stores kommt! [Video] Damit Ihre App auch sicher im App-Store landet, müssen Sie das sog. “App-Review” von Apple bzw. Google bestehen. Im folgenden Interview mit Hybrid Heroes Geschäftsführer Jan Gerwin erfahren Sie, was ein App-Review ist, worauf es im App-Store und Google Playstore ankommt, wie man das App-Review besteht und wie lange das
Becoming a Hybrid Hero: Our remote onboarding process For today’s blogpost, we introduce Mariana and Benjamin, who have joined the team recently and can now introduce us into the Hybrid Heroes onboarding process, which has the target of giving new employees a warm and easy start into the job and a quick integration into the team. Both
Adaptability is key: How we tackle complex app projects In today’s blogpost, Tobias Wenz, project manager at Hybrid Heroes, gives us an insightful view on how knowledge transfer works in the communication with a client in order to conceive and implement complex topics within a new application. Tobi used to work as a designer before deciding to move
Best Practice: Accessibility in UX/UI Design helps everyone Accessibility means usability for users who interact with products and services differently. This covers blind, colour-blind or visually impaired people, deaf people or people with hearing problems, people with temporary or permanent mobility impairments or people with cognitive disabilities. A designer's job is to consider accessibility as part
Our Design lead shows some of the work he is most proud of In app development, design plays a crucial role in almost every single step of the process. Today we will therefore dive into two of Hybrid Heroes’ work samples, that Design Lead Manu is most proud of. " In app development, everything starts with an initial concept. And even this concept