Almamar App: Psychologische Unterstützung für Geflüchtete Eine App, die über eine Plattformlösung Menschen mit limitierten Ressourcen und qualifizierte, psychologisch ausgebildete Betreuer zusammenbringt. Und das skalierbar.
How we turned rbb24 into one of Germany's leading News Apps Discover how we relaunched and redesigned an outdated app with React Native and turned it into one of Germany's most popular news apps.
Test, manage & document components with Storybook JS Storybook can be used for a variety of cases. In this introduction to the basic functionalities we show how designers, developers and project managers can benefit from the open source software.
How to implement efficient app rating with React Native User ratings and customer feedback are by far two of the most important metrics when it comes to marketing a mobile app.
Design Systeme + Cross-Platform Entwicklung = ❤: Wie sich Design Systeme in der Cross-Platform Entwicklung nutzen lassen Wir sind bei Hybrid Heroes nicht nur Fans von State of the Art Technologie, sondern noch viel mehr von stringenter User Experience und konsistentem, ansprechendem sowie skalierbarem Design. Aus diesem Grund arbeiten wir fast in allen Projekten mit Design-Systemen, die eine durchdachte UX mit einer durchgängigen Design-Sprache kombinieren. Was sind
"Diagnosis: Successfully passed!": Check out our latest work for Springer Medizin. Medical studies are generally considered to be learning-intensive. Cramming without end. That's the only way to pass the exams. But to work as a doctor in Germany, it is not enough to successfully complete your studies; you also need to specialise in a medical field. Learning is the
FormatJS in React Native: Streamline your I18N Workflow FormatJS is a set of tools to internationalize your project. Usually, using popular i18n libraries, the workflow involves * creating a JSON translation file for each language * giving each string to be translated a unique key to reference it by * thinking of a meaningful structure for the JSON file Instead of